Sunday, July 05, 2009

Hope & Hopelessness

He is on the periphory
Always on the lookoutfor a way in
Looking for something to pick on
Something he can cling on to
And when he doesIts like he is glued there
He cannot be shaken off
And when finally his rival creeps in
She somehow loosens his grip
And pushes him back to the periphory
But her grip is not quite so strong
Wearied by the battle
Tossed and turned
And easily dragged away
And he latches on to the gap she has left
And he holds on and holds on
And its a long time before we see her again
She finds it hard to get back
She is afraid of falling off again
And every time she falls
Its a little harder to come back
And I miss her
And I hate him
Her name: Hope
His name: Hoplessness

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